What does Science look like at Hilderthorpe?

At Hilderthorpe Primary School, we follow the national curriculum for science, using the Snap Science scheme of work. 

The school uses the Snap Science scheme of work to support the teaching and learning of science. Lessons are engaging, practical and relate to real life. Children are encouraged to ask questions, pause and observe in a variety of ways, investigate and wonder about the world around them. They acquire a wealth of knowledge and skills that will equip them for ‘the world of work’.

Subject Leader

The subject leaders for science are Mrs Pugh and Miss Hargreaves.

I like science because it is fun, exciting and very cool!

Vera, Year 2

Intent Statement

Our science curriculum starts in EYFs and has been designed to equip the children ready for school. They will focus on a language rich curriculum, be immersed in developing their natural curiosity along with being introduced to vocabulary that will scaffold further learning on as they progress through the school. Our science lessons are structured around:  knowledge, skills and scientific enquiry. Through our curriculum children are able to develop their knowledge and skills in a progressive way, building on prior learning as they progress through the school. We want children to be naturally inquisitive, questioning why and being curious about the world around them. Furthermore we want them to make links with how their learning could support them in the world of work and their future.

Snap Science: Key Information
  • All lessons are practical using a variety of enquiry skills
  • Tailored videos
  • Interactive activities
  • Effective assessment
  • We use Science Superheroes in each lesson to track the skills and objectives used in that lesson
Teaching for Greater Depth

While working at the National Curriculum expected standard for science. children show a greater depth when working independently using and apply the skills and knowledge with a high level of confidence and show good resilience when the task seems demanding. Additionally, they are able to explain to others their understanding in greater detail. 

Links to Real Life

Practical Action resources that we use, allow children to explore real world issues and put the science into context. Children work towards discovering real solutions for these issues. We have had some links with local industries and have new links being made to allow children to see the variety of industries that are in our locality. They get the opportunity to visit industries, work with engineers, and then work on projects in school to consolidate these visits. 

Children look at global issues during our Child Led STEM Summit, where they discuss these issues, collaborate with children from other schools in our locality and then find ways of solving these. The children drive the impact on the issues that matter to them.

Children enjoy live talks and question time by various speakers, such as Professor Brad Gibson, an astrophysicist from The University of Hull.


As we have high expectations of all children, lessons are differentiated to ensure that all children achieve. Further to this, Snap Science also has Snap Scienceshots which allow further activities to ensure that all children achieve in this subject.


Hilderthorpe Primary School were the lead school for STEM Enthuse Partnership, funded by Orsted (a local industry). We worked with a cluster of schools (including our local secondary school) to promote science. Our school won the Enthuse Award for STEM Primary School of the Year 2018. Hilderthorpe continue to work together in supporting each other in science and careers.

Further to this we won Enthuse Partnership of the Year Award in the summer of 2022. Our school have also been reaccredited our PSQM GILT award in Autumn 2022. We are still working closely with schools in our network and are now part of an Ogden Trust Partnership Lead by Quay Academy.

We have close links to the National STEM Centre in York and are committed to developing the teaching of our staff through the provision of high quality CPD.

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